Thursday, March 5, 2015

HESC College Combine and Thursday Training

Tonight we are moving our training to 7:30-9:00 on L4.

Saturday we will play Texas Rush at 10:00 on SC1. Please be there by 9:15. We will be wearing green-white-white. Please bring your white jersey just in case. 

Sunday we are on SC4 again at 10:00 against the Dynamos. Same there by 9:15. This time we will wear all navy. Bring white in case. 

Don't forget that Saturday evening is the college coach Q&A session at Hotel Derek from 5:00 to 6:30. Your daughter is welcome and encouraged to come. 

Lastly, hopefully you've finalized your plans to Tulsa. Will you please shoot me an email if you have any issues or conflicts with this trip? 

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