Friday, January 10, 2014

Feb 1-2

More spam...I know...

It seems that we are ON for NPL games in Dallas for the February 1 and 2 weekend.

However, the NPL website doesn't look quite right. Until I confirm it, or get it corrected, I'm holding off on making travel plans.

Since this is NPL and not a tournament, we won't get penalized for using a hotel outside of the system, but the local team has offered to help. As soon as we get the exact schedule nailed down, I'll send out another note about booking rooms. The schedule doesn't reflect this now, but our Saturday game is supposed to be in the afternoon, so we should be able to drive up the day of, rather than the Friday before.

You can see the NPL schedule by click on the the link at the top right of the blog home page.

Stay tuned.

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