Wednesday, April 6, 2016

April 9,10,12

As y'all already know, we have a bunch of upcoming games. First on the list are the USC games this weekend and next Tuesday.

Saturday - April 9
10:00 AM @ Katy Park #15
vs. Texas Rush
We will wear GREEN/WHITE.

Sunday - April 10
12:00 Noon @ Burroughs Park #6
vs. Challenge
We will wear GREEN/WHITE again.

Tuesday - April 12
7:30 PM @ St. Thomas' Episcopal field (the one just south of South Campus)
vs. Albion
And, you guessed it, wear GREEN/WHITE again.

Three games in four days. This will be taxing on the girls. Please make sure your girls are well fed and well rested. Still no official word yet, but we will likely have the State Cup play-in game(s) the following weekend.

Please let me know if your daughter can't make these games.

Thanks! See you there.

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