Thursday, August 13, 2015


It was good to see so many of y'all at the party last night. I wanted to recap some of the things we discussed just so all the info was in one place.

The same schedule that's been posted for a while, but Mark will start to add some TRX training on Wednesdays in conjunction with Futsal.

Fall Season
By now, I'm sure you're very aware of our SRPL schedule. There are two West divisions, and there will be a playoff among them. That is scheduled for October 17-18 in Norman, OK. The top 6 teams from our group of 8 make it to the playoff. Plan on this.

We learned about the STYSA/USC stuff. And I posted the USC schedule here on the blog. You can check their website for changes or updates. Unfortunately the way the site is structured, I don't think I can create a link to our schedule exclusively (you have to click the options).

There will be some NPL games, but it won't be like last year. No more trips to Dallas or Tulsa, unless we're in a playoff. The games will be local, and we'll have flexibility with timing.

It looks like we've settled on the CASL tournament December 4-6 in Raleigh, NC. It's a big event, and it is being held in conjunction with the NCAA women's college cup. Our entry will include tickets for the girls to see the college games.

We will pass on the Disney event this year, but keep it in mind for next.

In the spring, we are planning on the Players College Showcase in Las Vegas. This is March 18-20, which will be the back half of spring break for most of us, so plan accordingly.

That's pretty much it. I'll be back to you all shortly with an estimate of costs for this season.

A big thanks again to Neil and Patty. The girls seemed to have had a blast. And another big thanks to Mark, we are lucky to have him.


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