I hope you've been enjoying your summer. Mine has been flying by.
Believe it or not, we will get back to training this week. Our participation in Premier League means an earlier start and a different schedule. We begin the weekend of August 8-9 in College Station. We will be traveling for all of our games. We will play every other weekend, both Saturday and Sunday.
Take a look at the schedule here. Note that Labor Day weekend we will be in Little Rock for all three days.
I'm assuming the College Station is not an overnight trip for us, but everything else will be. I'll be back in touch with y'all about hotels and travel arrangements.
Our normal training sessions will be Tuesday and Thursday at South Campus (1S) from 8:10-9:30pm. Our 3rd session will be at the futsal courts on Wednesday at the same time, 8:10-9:30pm.
As you know, HESC is implementing TRX training as well. We will be working that into the mix. We are still undecided on whether or not we'll add some extra time with Roz this season. Stay tuned.
Mark gets back into town this week and would like to start training this Wednesday!
This is an important year for the girls in terms of getting in front of college coaches, so we'll definitely be looking into some big tournaments this season. We are still researching this, but the easiest option at this point looks like returning to Disney. Stay tuned for more on this. And a big thanks to Rick Schachter for looking into all of our options here.
I'm sure there's more to this season, but I don't have all the details yet. There are some new acronyms floating around that I don't fully understand. Don't assume that this is all there is for the fall season. We should know more this week.
If you can't make our first games (or any of our games for that matter), let me know ASAP.
Uniforms should be here fairly soon, I think.
And last, but not least, is our roster. As you may have noticed there are a couple of changes to the team this fall.
We want to welcome Hannah and Amber to the team. You parents may not know them, but your daughters surely will. This is quite an impressive lineup in my humble opinion.
For the 2015 Fall season, the 00G Navy team looks like this:
Madeline Beavers
Makenzie Bell
Hannah Bodron
McKenzie Borchers
Lauren Cerda
Katerina Coggeshall
Claire Crane
Mary Dade
Natalie Festa
Trinity Hernandez
Eleanor Hewell
Mackenzie Johnson
Emma Kallmeyer
Julia Roberts
Amber Ruiz
Paola Sagel
Allison Schachter
Norma Trejo
Questions? Comments? Complaints? Call me or email me! I probably won't know the answer, but I'm happy to talk!