Monday, August 19, 2013

Welcome to the Houston Express 00G Navy team blog

Welcome! In an effort to minimize emails and to have a consolidated source of information, I have created this blog. I recommend that you bookmark this page and check here regularly to see what's going on. Of course, I'm happy to keep sending emails in conjunction with this, but I know how emails get missed, deleted, or buried in a spam filter (which may be justified in my case).



  1. Can we add a comments box for the "questionaires? For instance Julia can play the first half only on Saturday, but is available all afternoon.
    I would think that's the kind of info you might need!

  2. I agree that a comments box would be helpful. Charlotte could be there on Saturday, perhaps a bit late due to a dental appointment.

  3. Blog looks great, BTW. Thanks for doing this!

  4. Excellent idea. Of course, my firewall at work makes editing that form difficult. And google makes it hard to do that from my ipad.
