Wednesday, May 4, 2016


Ok, so this isn't really a FAQ page, but I've gotten a few questions lately and I want to do a better job of communicating with all of you given how busy the team is and all the uncertainty with Mark leaving.

Why do we have so many games?
We had quite a few rain outs in the Fall, and we've had a few this Spring too. Most of what we have left in USC are make up games.

Why do we have to get them in so quickly?
The USC Cup is May 21-22. The regular season games need to be completed by then.

Do these games even matter? After all, we're in 8th place. What's the point?
Yes, they matter! There are two reasons. The top 8 teams in USC Champions League get to play in the USC Spring Cup. Also, the top 8 teams get invited back to Champions League, the bottom two do not. We are on the bubble. If we forfeit these games or lose too many, we won't even have the option of playing in Champions League in the fall.

What about NPL games? What's the deal with that?
We are sitting in 1st place in our flight of NPL. Assuming we stay that way, we play in Oklahoma on June 4-5. If we win there, we go to the NPL Finals in Aurora, Colorado July 14-18. This is a big deal. My understanding is that there are quite a few colleges that attend the NPL finals. It should be a very good recruiting event. Right now, we have a legitimate chance of getting there.

And State Cup, how does that fit in?
State Cup is the STYSA thing. It's a long story, but we were able to challenge in because of our fall season in RPL. We won our first game, we have two more this weekend, and if we win those (or maybe even just one of them), we are through to the State Finals.

State Finals? Wasn't that the mess that was in San Marcos last year?
Yes! But this year it's at Meyer Park. And odds are good that there won't be epic flooding and I won't have to spend the night in my truck again. This will be Memorial Day Weekend, in case you're wondering.

And why is State Cup important?
First off, if they win, your daughter can legitimately claim that she is a State Champion -- that's pretty cool. Secondly, it means we can go to the Regional Cup in Greenville, SC. This is also a big deal, with college coaches and all that. And if we can win there, on to the National Championships. Need I say more?

What about Mark? Where will he be though all of this?
As you know, Mark loves our girls, and he is committed to them. My understanding is that he will be with us at least through Regionals, if we make it. At the NPL finals, we might have someone else. :(

Someone else? Who might that be?
It might be Vedad. To be honest, I don't know yet. The club is still figuring that out.

Right! What about next season? What is the club going to do for us, now that Mark is leaving?
Again, to be totally honest, I don't know exactly just yet. I do know that the club really values this team. And that they are in the process of making some hires to fill the big shoes Mark is leaving behind. Adrian Crespo (the President of the club), Vedad, and Bruce Talbot (Director of Player Development) have offered to meet with us. The purpose of the meeting is to fill us in on what the club is doing, what next season will look like for us, who will be coaching our girls, and some help on the college recruiting process.

When will that be?
I don't have a firm date yet, but I'm working on it. Stay tuned.

What's the deal with the age group changes?
All of the teams are being realigned by birth year. Up until now, it has been by age as of August 1, so it matches up with school year. The change is being made so that we fit in with the rest of the world. It affects everyone in the country.

Right now, it looks like we will keep this team together and play up as '99s.

What about tournaments and all that? What are we doing next year?
That's a great question, and it needs to be answered by all of us. This is on the agenda for the aforementioned meeting.

I hope this helps. If I missed something, please email me, call me, or comment here.

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