Thursday, September 26, 2013

Saturday in San Antonio

First off, I want to tell you how excited I am about this Saturday. If you happened to see the girls on Monday or Wednesday, you would have noticed that it was like watching them on fast forward. Everyone was a little more intense, moving faster, and hustling for every ball. We've been playing well, but something seemed to really click this week. My theory is that it's just taken 8 weeks for the fitness to come back.Whatever the reason, I'm excited to see more of it on the field on Saturday.

Ok, now on to logistics....

From the West U. area, Google maps says it's about a 3 hour drive. I realize that early in the morning it's possible to make even better time, but this is not one we should cut close. I'm planning on leaving at 6:00 a.m., and allowing time to stop and get some breakfast on the way, and let Claire stretch the legs and move around a bit. My guess is that we will need a little extra time to get warmed up and psyched up after a long car ride. So let's definitely be there a full hour before game time. Game time is 11:00 a.m.

The address is:

11600 Starcrest Drive
San Antonio, TX 78216

Map of the fields

I am thinking we are wearing WHITE - NAVY - WHITE, but please bring everything, socks included.

And finally...
Remind your girls that they are elite athletes! Get plenty of rest Friday night. Eat a healthy breakfast Saturday morning, but finish eating at least 2 hours before game time. It doesn't look like it's going to be that hot, but it won't hurt to sip on some water on the way up.

Questions, comments, concerns? See you this weekend!


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