Happy Friday.
It looks like the weather should cooperate this weekend...or at least on Sunday. I haven't been told when last week's game will be rescheduled, so stay tuned on that.
This week we have Albion at 10:00 am at Burroughs #7. Let's wear NAVY, but bring everything.
Other news:
Registration for the fall is open now. You only have until the 20th to register early and keep your current jersey number. Remember, this is a new kit for the fall and we're on a 2-year cycle. You probably got an email about all this earlier this week. If not, you can always go check
the HESC home page.
It looks like we will have critical mass for both an appearance at the Challenge Shootout here in town at the end of May, and the NPL games in Dallas (which we will move to) June 6 & 7.
Also, we will have someone video taping several of our games over the next few weeks. You may remember my email about this. Everyone will have access to the game videos. If you want the folks at Next Level Soccer to build a highlight reel for your daughter, I believe that is $50/game. I realize this was an unplanned expense, and that not everyone wants or needs video. Some of you have volunteered to chip in, and I would ask that if you're using the video for your daughter's individual needs that you help cover the costs of the taping. I don't have exact numbers yet, but just wanted to remind you. After the first taped game, we'll have more details. A big thanks to Rick Schachter to setting all of this up.
You probably heard about the HESC trip to Europe in 2016. Unfortunately, I missed the meeting on that last week, so I'm a little light on details. There is some basic info on the website. I'll try to learn more and get back to you all.
Lastly, I just noticed that registration is also open for the summer training program. Claire and a few others did this last summer, and I thought it was really worthwhile. She didn't go to every session, but it was a nice option to have, she stayed in decent shape, and she got to see some of her buddies on a more regular basis. I highly recommend it.